Scott Sueme and I had a chance to jam on this monster, 8'x12' triptych for the local studio crawl, SWARM. Hosted in the Acme building on 112 E Hastings, Swarm is a circulation through galleries and spaces in the chinatown/downtown eastside area. Our building expects over 1000 people to roll through in the eve. Both of us wanted this wall to blow up in the staircase. Took about a week for building panels,priming,painting and the thing hung wet during the opening...on a tight little staircase. Garunteed someone walked out of there with an original on their blazer without noticing. Worth noting: Props to Sueme for scraping together the time to work on this while wrapping up his massive exhibit at Elliott Louis Gallery. Check Sueme's series here 'Positive Places' And the insanely outdated but sexy trailer for the swoiré at Elliott Louis is at the bottom.

'Positive Places' Art Opening (teaser) from DONT LOOK on Vimeo.
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